Remote Data Collection

A visual representation of the digital transformation in the industrial sector, showcasing advanced technology and automation.

Real-Time/Near Real-Time Mobile Field Data Collection

The Problem:  Our client's health and safety, Self-verification, and oversight audit performed on its oil rigs, and other field assessments were done on paper, a business process that was prone to errors and caused substantial significant delays from when audits or assessments were carried out to when they were transcribed into electronic format and submitted to decision-makers for review and subsequent decision making. From a referral, they reached out to add1Technologies to see how we could assist them in digitalizing their business process.

The Solution: Leveraging our industry experience, we propose and develop an innovative enterprise mobile solution and web application with a secure central authoritative database that supports real-time/near-real-time data provision, near real-time visualization of the data, and generates up-to-the-minute KPIs, graphs, and other related performance reports.

The new system allows clients' employees and contractors to collect evidence-based (pictures and videos) health and safety audit information on tablets on drilling rigs and other sites and sync the cached data to a secure central repository. The mobile application could be used on or offline allowing it to be used anywhere regardless of cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity. Assessments or audits were synced to the central server once devices had internet connectivity.

The new solution was well received and is currently being used by both upstream and downstream sites across the globe. It has been found to drastically minimize field data collection errors and improve audit turnaround time from about two days to minutes. It has been featured in investor presentations and even mentioned in Drilling Contractor magazine.

Application Feature Highlight
  1. Real-Time/Near Real Time: The ability to sync data in real or near-real time from the field improved business processes and decision-making by over 90%. Field audits or assessments can be updated or changed in real time to align with the situation on the ground eliminating any lag in the need for data or information.
  2. Evidence-Based Data Collection: Leveraging the native camera on mobile devices enabled field users to capture images and videos as part of their answers to audit or assessment questions. This provided supported evidence for any non-conforming incidents allowing for fast and efficient business decisions and responses.
  3. Real/Near Real-Time Data Visualization: Business KPIs and other required business matrices were readily accessible and available via the secure central data repository in an easy to comprehend visuals on the web/dashboard component of the solution. The dashboard also allows administrators to manage users, audit or assessment questions, emergency alerts, emails, etc., from one central location.
  4. Intrinsically Safe Devices: add1Technologies worked with the client to engage with device manufacturers and vendors to procure the most appropriate intrinsically safe devices for you on the rigs to minimize them being sources of any potential ignition. 

Project Information


Major Int. Oil & Gas Company


Energy,  Oil & Gas, HSE, SV&O, Mobile

April 26, 2022
Services Provided

Project Management, Consulting, Business Analysis, Custom Web App Development, Database, Vendor Engagement (2FA, MDM Solutions, Intrinsically Safe Device Manufacturers)

Tech Stack

Java, JavaScript, Telerik Kendo UI, ASP.NET MVC, Web Services, LDAP/ADFS, and DAS integration in Azure.

See What We Can Do For You

(+1) 281-698-7102